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Common questions

Common questions

Yes, any company size, from small to large.

Yes, it is reliable, most public agencies pay between 30 to 90 days. For this, our consultancy will help you to not have problems with receipts and documents necessary for agility of the process.

Initially, CND’s (Negative Debt Certificates), municipal, state and federal are required. Preferably, that your company has the Balance Sheet with liquidity index.

No, any company can participate in any municipality, state or municipality within or outside its state.

Unfortunately, there are some cases of corruption, but every year, this process has been professionalized and more difficult to circumvent, with more transparency in its process with equal competition. The great scandals that are being discovered today, help in this process of professionalization and those involved are being punished to the rigor of the law.

First point is cost x benefit, it is much cheaper to hire us, in addition to avoiding future labor liabilities. The second point is more technical, bids and their regulations are constantly changing. The company needs to closely monitor changes in laws and how it operates. In addition to the countless variations and strategies in bidding, it makes it very difficult for just one person to care.

By hiring AGF, your company will open more sales channels, develop new markets, more time to dedicate to your business and reduce operating costs.

Yes, it is reliable, most public agencies pay between 30 to 90 days. For this, our consultancy will help you to not have problems with receipts and documents necessary for agility of the process.

Initially, CND’s (Negative Debt Certificates), municipal, state and federal are required. Preferably, that your company has the Balance Sheet with liquidity index.

No, any company can participate in any municipality, state or municipality within or outside its state.

Unfortunately, there are some cases of corruption, but every year, this process has been professionalized and more difficult to circumvent, with more transparency in its process with equal competition. The great scandals that are being discovered today, help in this process of professionalization and those involved are being punished to the rigor of the law.

First point is cost x benefit, it is much cheaper to hire us, in addition to avoiding future labor liabilities. The second point is more technical, bids and their regulations are constantly changing. The company needs to closely monitor changes in laws and how it operates. In addition to the countless variations and strategies in bidding, it makes it very difficult for just one person to care.

By hiring AGF, your company will open more sales channels, develop new markets, more time to dedicate to your business and reduce operating costs.


    Headquarter - Franz Steiner, 675 - Alto do Ipiranga - Mogi das Cruzes - SP, CEP 08730-270 - Contact: 11 97266-2070

    Company's branch - Pamplona, 287-Bela Vista - São Paulo - SP, CEP 01405-000 - Contact: 11 99530-8681

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