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Market intelligence

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Market intelligence

We also work strongly with Market Intelligence, Economic Viability Study, Marketing Intelligence and Business Strategy. We provide dashboard studies, which is an information management tool that helps monitor and display key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics and data that indicate the health of a business, sector or process. We analyze any market. We have professionals with extensive experience in Brazil and abroad, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Marketing and Finance, with a Post-Graduate and Master’s Degree.


    Headquarter - Franz Steiner, 675 - Alto do Ipiranga - Mogi das Cruzes - SP, CEP 08730-270 - Contact: 11 97266-2070

    Company's branch - Pamplona, 287-Bela Vista - São Paulo - SP, CEP 01405-000 - Contact: 11 99530-8681

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